Mr. Bishnu Prasad Sharma
Associate Professor Patan Multiple Campus
Address : Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, NepalSANDEE Grant Period: 20-02-2007 to 20-08-2008, 21-12-2010 to 21-06-2013SANDEE Publications : - Sharma, B.P., S. Pattanyak, M. Nepal, P. Shyamsundar and Bhaskar S. Karky(2015), 'REDD+ Impacts: Evidence from Nepal', SANDEE Working Paper No. 95-15
- -- (2015), 'Are Community Forestry Institutions Appropriate for Implementing REDD+? Lessons from Nepal', SANDEE Working Paper No. 94 - 15
- --(2015), 'Does REDD+ Work? Examining the Economic Impacts of a Pilot Programme in Nepal', SANDEE Policy Brief No.85 - 15
- --(2015), 'Can Carbon be sequestered in Community Forests? Learning how to fulfill a global agenda through local institutions in Nepal', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 82 - 15
- Sharma B. P. ( 2011), 'The Welfare Impacts of Leasehold Forestry in Nepal', SANDEE Working Paper No. 61-11
- Sharma B. P. ( 2011),'Can Lease Hold Forestry in Nepal Benefit People and the Environment?', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 56 - 11
Other Publications : - Sharma, B.P., and B. Jankari (2011), 'Is current level of financing sufficient for managing protected areas? A case study of economic valuation of Bardia National Park, Nepal', A Journal of Forest Information for Nepal, 22(1), 3-11.
- Sharma, B.P.(2011),'The Welfare Impacts of Leasehold Forestry in Nepal', No 61-11.
Current Research Area/ Interests : Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) Economic Valuation of Forest Environmental Services