Ms. Indrila Guha
Principal Basanti Devi College
Address : Kolkata, India SANDEE Grant Period: 20-12-2004 to 20-06-2006SANDEE Publications : - Guha, I. and S.Ghosh (2007), 'Does Tourism Contribute to Local Livelihood? A Case Study of Tourism,Poverty and Conservation in the Indian Sundarbans', SANDEE Working Paper No.26-07
- Guha, I. and S.Ghosh (2009),'A Glimpse of the Tiger:How much are Indians Willing to pay for it?', SANDEE Working Paper No.39-09
- Guha, I. and S. Ghosh (2009), 'Valuing the Land of Tigers ? What Indian Visitors are Willing to Pay', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 35-09
Other Publications : - Roy C. and I. Guha (2013), 'Climate Change induced Migration: A Case Study from Indian Sundarbans', Acumen, Marian Journal of Social Work, Vol 5, Sept 2013ISSN 0975-6981
- Guha, I., C. Roy, R. Banerji, J. Roy and S. Bhattacharya (2012), 'Adaptation in case of Inundation of Islands: An Exploratory Study from Indian Sundarbans', Mukhopadhyay. A and Ghosh. S.N.(edited),Climate Security: Perceptions, Challenges and Beyond, UGC Academic Staff College, University Of Calcutta.
- Guha, I. (2011), 'Valuing the Land of Tigers: What Indian Visitors Reveal?' (With Dr. Santadas Ghosh) in Haque A. K. E, Murty M. N. and Shyamsundar P (ed.) Valuing the Invaluable: The Practice of Environmental Valuation in South Asia, SANDEE (Cambridge University Press)
- Guha, I. (2009), 'Tourism, local livelihood, and conservation: a case study in Indian Sundarbans" (With Dr. Santadas Ghosh) in Pushpam Kumar and Roldan Muradian (ed) Payment for Ecosystem Services, Oxford University Press (New Delhi).
- Guha, I. and T. K. Das (2003), 'Economics of Man Animal Conflict - A Lesson for Wildlife Conservation' Publications (in collaboration with DSA Centre for Regional Economic Studies, Jadavpur University), Kolkata, India. (isbn10: 8187500158, isbn13: 9788187500155) classificationQL84.5.I4
Current Research Area/ Interests : Sea level rise and displacement of residents in a island in Sundarbans Coastal Ecosystem and Changing Economic Activities: Challenges for Sustainability Transition along Chinese and South Asian Coasts Website :