
Ms. Indrila Guha

Basanti Devi College

Address :

Kolkata, India

SANDEE Grant Period:

20-12-2004 to 20-06-2006

SANDEE Publications :

  1. Guha, I. and S.Ghosh (2007), 'Does Tourism Contribute to Local Livelihood? A Case Study of Tourism,Poverty and Conservation in the Indian Sundarbans', SANDEE Working Paper No.26-07
  2. Guha, I. and S.Ghosh (2009),'A Glimpse of the Tiger:How much are Indians Willing to pay for it?', SANDEE Working Paper No.39-09
  3. Guha, I. and S. Ghosh (2009), 'Valuing the Land of Tigers ? What Indian Visitors are Willing to Pay', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 35-09

Other Publications :

  1. Roy C. and I. Guha (2013), 'Climate Change induced Migration: A Case Study from Indian Sundarbans', Acumen, Marian Journal of Social Work, Vol 5, Sept 2013ISSN 0975-6981
  2. Guha, I., C. Roy, R. Banerji, J. Roy and S. Bhattacharya (2012), 'Adaptation in case of Inundation of Islands: An Exploratory Study from Indian Sundarbans', Mukhopadhyay. A and Ghosh. S.N.(edited),Climate Security: Perceptions, Challenges and Beyond, UGC Academic Staff College, University Of Calcutta.
  3. Guha, I. (2011), 'Valuing the Land of Tigers: What Indian Visitors Reveal?' (With Dr. Santadas Ghosh) in Haque A. K. E, Murty M. N. and Shyamsundar P (ed.) Valuing the Invaluable: The Practice of Environmental Valuation in South Asia, SANDEE (Cambridge University Press)
  4. Guha, I. (2009), 'Tourism, local livelihood, and conservation: a case study in Indian Sundarbans" (With Dr. Santadas Ghosh) in Pushpam Kumar and Roldan Muradian (ed) Payment for Ecosystem Services, Oxford University Press (New Delhi).
  5. Guha, I. and T. K. Das (2003), 'Economics of Man Animal Conflict - A Lesson for Wildlife Conservation' Publications (in collaboration with DSA Centre for Regional Economic Studies, Jadavpur University), Kolkata, India. (isbn10: 8187500158, isbn13: 9788187500155) classificationQL84.5.I4

Current Research Area/ Interests :

Sea level rise and displacement of residents in a island in Sundarbans Coastal
Ecosystem and Changing Economic Activities: Challenges for Sustainability Transition along Chinese and South Asian Coasts  

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Sri Lanka

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