Mr. Vivekananda Mukherjee
Professor Department of Economics, Jadavpur University
Address : Kolkata, IndiaSANDEE Grant Period: 09-06-2008 to 09-03-2010SANDEE Publications : Gupta, G. and V. Mukherjee (2011), 'Toxicity and Profitability of Rice Cultivation under Waste-Water Irrigation: The Case of the East Calcutta Wetlands', SANDEE Working Paper No. 62 -11
Gupta, G. and V. Mukherjee (2011), 'Wastewater Irrigation, Heavy Metals and the Profitability of Rice Cultivation - Investigating the East Calcutta Wetlands in India', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 57 - 11Other Publications : - Mukherjee, V., A. Das, A. Akhand and G. Gupta (2013), ‘Toxicity and profitability of rice cultivation under wastewater irrigation: The case of the East Calcutta wetlands.' Ecological Economics, Vol. 93: 292-300
- Mukherjee, V., D. Rubbelke and T. Sanyal (2014), 'Technology Transfer as a Means to Combat Global', in Sugata Marjit and Meenakshi Rajeev (ed.) Emerging Issues in Economic Development: A Contemporary Theoretical Perspective, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 219 - 247.
- Mukherjee, V., S. Pandit, and T. Sanyal (2011), ‘Public Economics and the Environment', India Macroeconomics Annual, 79 - 99.
- Mukherjee, V., and G. Gupta (2006), ‘Of Guns and Trees: Impact of Terrorism on Forest Conservation', Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 11, 221 - 233.
Current Research Area/ Interests : - Applied Microeconomics
- Public Economics