
Mr. R. Balasubramanian

Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University

Address :

Coimbatore, India

SANDEE Grant Period:

17-11-2000 to 17-05-2002, 22-08-2011 to 22-08-2013

SANDEE Publications :

  1. Balasubramanian, R. (2015), 'Ground water and farm incomes at risk from climate change in Tamil Nadu, India', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 91-15
  2. Balasubramanian, R. (2015), 'Climate Sensitivity of Groundwater Systems Critical for Agricultural Incomes in South India', SANDEE Working Paper No. 96-15
  3. Balasubramanian, R. (2004), 'Tank Degradation and Poverty Reduction-The Importance of Common Property Resources in Sustaining the Rural Poor', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 2-04
  4. Balasubramanian, R. and K.N. Selvaraj (2004), Poverty, Private Property and Common Pool Resource Management: The Case of Irrigation Tanks in South India', SANDEE Working Paper No. 2-03

Other Publications :

  1. Balasubramanian, R. (2010), 'Cooperating to Survive? Farmers' Cooperation and Sustainable Management of Rural Common Property Resources in South India', Korean Journal of Cooperative Studies, 28(3):129-153.
  2. Mohanasundari, T. and R. Balasubramanian (2015), 'Impact of Climatic and Anthropogenic Factors on Groundwater Irrigation in South India', in K.W. Hipel, L.Fang, J.Cullmann and M.Bristow (Eds.), Conflict Resolution in Water Resources and Environmental Management, Springer International Publishing, pp.277-291.
  3. Balasubramanian, R. (2014), 'Agricultural Research and Extension in India: Reflections on the Reality and a Roadmap for Renaissance', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69(1): 14-43 and Keynote Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics.
  4. Kathuria V. and R. Balasubramanian (2013), 'Environmental Cost of Using Top-soil for Brick Making: A Case Study from Tamil Nadu, India', Review of Market Integration, 5(2): 171-201
  5. Balasubramanian, R. and Seung-Churl Choi (2010), 'Urbanization, Population Pressure and Agricultural Intensification: Evidences from Tamil Nadu in India', Journal of Rural Development (Korea Rural Economic Institute), 33 (2):87-108.

Current Research Area/ Interests :

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Economics of Land and Water Use.


Sri Lanka

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