
Mr. Vinish Kathuria

Associate Professor
Indian Institute of Technology

Address :

Mumbai, India

SANDEE Grant Period:

13-12-2000 to 13-06-2002

SANDEE Publications :

  1. Kathuria, V. (2004), 'Informal Regulation of Pollution in a Developing Country: Empirical Evidence from India', SANDEE Working Paper No. 6-04
  2. Kathuria, V. (2004), 'Industrial Pollution - Can The News Media Influence Change?', SANDEE Policy Brief No. 6-05

Other Publications :

  1. Kathuria, V (2007), ‘Informal Regulation of Pollution in a developing country - Evidence from India', Ecological Economics, Vol. 63 (2-3), pp. 403-17
  2. Kathuria, V. (2006), 'Controlling Water Pollution in Developing and Transition Countries: Lessons from three successful cases', Journal of Environmental Management 78(4): 405-26.
  3. Kathuria, V. and S. Mukherjee (2006), ‘Is economic growth sustainable? Environmental Quality of Indian States after 1991' International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 9(1): 38- 60.
  4. Kathuria. V. (2004), ‘Informal Regulation of Pollution in a Developing Country: A study of India', Working Paper No. 2, Madras School of Economics. Chennai.
  5. Kathuria. V. (2004), ‘Controlling pollution from SSIs', Economic and Political Weekly XXXIX (26), June 25-July 2004.
  6. Kathuria, V. (2004), 'Informal Regulation of Pollution in a Developing Country: A study of India', Madras School of Economics, Working Paper No. 2.
  7. Kathuria, V. (2003), 'Failure of Collective Action as an Institution: Lessons from Kundli, Haryana', Institute of Economic Growth, Working Paper, E/230/2003, February, Delhi
  8. Kathuria, V. and G.S. Haripriya (2002), 'Industrial Pollution Control - Need for Flexibility', India Development Report 2002, eds. K. Parikh and R. Radhakrishna, Oxford University Press, Delhi, pp. 140-56.


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